Ethan O'Keefe Ethan O'Keefe

How to Keep Your Dog Warm in Autumn and Winter

While the cooler months provide a much-needed change compared to our sweltering summers, the cold weather also presents a new set of issues for ourselves and our pets.

What can we do to help keep our furry friends warm during the cold season?

For cooler-weather-inclined people such as myself, autumn and winter are welcomed seasons of the year, especially after the long, sweltering summers the Sunshine Coast is known for having. However, for our furry pets, this change in temperature can cause some issues that need attention. Below we’ll dive into what they are and address solutions and tips to ensure they stay warm and toasty!

Fur Length for Your Pet

Depending on the breed and type of your pet, their fur coat length can vary. Some naturally have short hairs while others sport long, silky coats. It’s important to be mindful of this both in the hotter and cooler times of the year, as animals with shorter fur will have a much more difficult time staying warm. It may be worth considering letting their fur grow out during the colder seasons to allow for more insulation. For short-haired breeds, such as bull terriers and dachshunds, investing in dog jackets and coats will help to keep them warmer whilst outside.

Dog Jackets and Coats

Ideal for rain and cold weather, dog jackets and coats can do wonders for retaining body heat for your furry pet. Their clever design ensures that you can head out worry-free knowing that your pet can stay warm. It’s important to make sure the coat sizing is suitable for your pet; a coat that is too tight can restrict movement and breathing ability, while a coat that is too loose can allow moisture in and create a damp environment that smells and does not do a good job of warming your pet. Dog jackets and coats are most ideal for shorter-haired breeds, smaller breeds and senior dogs, who will feel the change in the weather the most and will benefit from a little extra insulation.

Diet During Autumn and Winter

As the weather turns cooler, it’s essential that you check in and make sure what your dog is eating is suitable for the weather change and contains enough necessary nutrients to keep them satiated and healthy. Dogs typically require more fats and proteins in their meals during the winter months to allow their energy and warmth to be maintained. Just like humans, our bodies require the right fuel to keep us warm and running efficiently! Dogs can require up to 2 to 3 times the amount of calories in colder weather as compared to warmer weather. As autumn and winter can be harsher seasons, It’s also a good idea to consider providing extra supplements for your dog to help keep their immune system, joints and overall health in tip-top condition.

Dog Grooming in Cooler Months

It’s always important to maintain your dog’s fur coat and keep them consistently groomed; but it’s even more so in colder climates. Fur that is matted or damp cannot trap body heat as efficiently, and can affect your dog’s temperature. For longer-haired breeds, it’s also important to ensure that their inner coat is maintained, as this coat is what provides the insulation. Allowing this coat to get overgrown can pose issues such as matting, dampness, smells and even hypothermia in extreme cases if moisture gets trapped in there. Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed close down during autumn and winter is also beneficial. The nails can be extra prone to brittleness and cracking during the drier weather, so the more trimmed, the better.

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